If your home is equipped with any thyssenkrupp Access Corp. home elevators, you qualify for the free Recall to Inspect (in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission). Models include:

Chaparral Destiny
Rise Volant
Windsor Flexi-Lift

Only elevators installed with a hoistway are subject to this Recall to Inspect. If you have any questions about whether your thyssenkrupp Access home elevator is within the scope of this Recall to Inspect, or if you believe you have a thyssenkrupp Access Corp. elevator installed with a hoistway that is not on the above list, please contact us toll-free at 1-800-285-9862 (Toll-Free) or reach out via email at info@homelevator-safety.com.

We will ask for proof that your home has an affected thyssenkrupp Access Corp. model elevator to qualify for this Recall to Inspect. The model name and serial number of your home elevator can be found in the manual that was provided with your elevator, and it may be displayed on a metal plate inside the elevator car. If you are unable to identify the model or manufacturer of your home elevator, contact us or your dealer, home builder or realtor.

We strongly recommend that you request an inspection to determine if space guards should be installed to prevent a serious – and potentially fatal – injury risk to young children in your home.

Children have been seriously injured or killed after becoming entrapped in the space between the hoistway door and the elevator car door or gate.

In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, thyssenkrupp Access Corp. is providing this Recall to Inspect free of charge to all homeowners who have a thyssenkrupp Access Corp. home elevator and use a partnered service provider. We will arrange for a free inspection to measure the space between the hoistway and elevator doors at each entrance to your elevator in order to determine the need for Space Guards. If needed, we will provide and pay for installation, by a partnered service provider, of a free Space Guard for each entrance of your home elevator.

Alternatively, homeowners may request self-installation of space guards. All instructions and materials required for measurement and space guard installation will be provided to homeowners free of charge. Any homeowner who initially requests self-installation is still eligible for free inspection or free installation, by a partnered service provider, upon request.

Homeowners are also allowed to identify a third-party of their choosing for measurement and/or installation of space guards. All third-party service providers must agree to abide by requirements under the Recall to Inspect program and become a partnered service provider to be reimbursed for the reasonable costs associated with measurement and/or installation of space guards with appropriate documentation (e.g., invoices). Homeowners should not be charged by a partnered service provider. Under the thyssenkrupp Access Corp. Recall to Inspect Consent Agreement, homeowners using a third-party service provider who refuses to abide by the Recall to Inspect program requirements are only eligible to receive a reimbursement check that is “equal to the actual cost of space guards that would have been required, plus an amount equal to the average cost of installation of space guards.” The Program Administrator is not authorized to directly reimburse third-parties who refuse to agree to install space guards in accordance with the Program criteria. If you have any questions regarding what reasonable costs will be reimbursed for partnered service providers, please contact us for further information at 1-800-285-9862 (Toll-Free) or reach out via email at info@homelevator-safety.com.

Please Note: Only thyssenkrupp Access Corp. home elevators installed with a hoistway may qualify for our free Space Guard program.



  • Elevators installed with more than four (4) inches of space between the hoistway door and elevator car door or gate can pose a risk of serious injury or death to children.
  • If your home elevator has more than four (4) inches of space between its doors on any landing or floor, take steps to block children from accessing it until you are able to arrange for installation of Space Guards or other measures to reduce this space.
  • Please click here for more information about the steps that you need to take to reduce the space between the hoistway door and elevator car door or gate.
  • Take steps to protect children even if children do not live in your home. Children have been seriously injured or killed in vacation rentals or while visiting grandparents’ and other people’s homes equipped with an elevator.
  • Never let a child ride in an elevator without an adult, and do not let children play on or around an elevator.